Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Unique Wedding Idea

While vacationing in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago I took the first step towards the big plunge. While watching the sunrise on the beach one morning I gave my then girlfriend a ring, making her my present fiancee.

Since returning the the mainland, a lot of out waking hours not spent at work have been spent on the wedding. More of her hours than mine, but I'm still surprised how much of my time has been involved.

After yesterdays success of finding the perfect location for the ceremony, Heather and I were lying in bed discussing ideas we each had for the wedding. During this conversation Heather informed me of her plan for a truly unique and memorable tossing of the bouquet. Apparently her bouquet is going to be made of paper flowers, and when she turns her back to the crowd she is going to light then on fire. After which she will fling the bouquet over her head into the unsuspecting crowd. At which point we shall see which unmarried young lady truly wants to be the next to the alter.

Just thought I would give you the heads up.

1 comment:

Tyson said...

That is the best freakin idea I've ever heard!! I think I'm gonna join in on the fray if that happens. I love fire!!!